Potter Box

The Potter Box is a model for making ethical decisions, developed by Ralph B. Potter, Jr.[1], professor of social ethics emeritus of Harvard Divinity School. It is commonly used by communication ethics scholars. Moral thinking should be a systematic process. A judgment is made and action is taken. How do we come to decisions must be based in some reasoning.



The Potter Box has four steps. Potter’s Box is an ethical framework used to make decisions by utilizing four categories which Potter identifies as universal to all ethical dilemmas. Potter was a theologian when he developed this moral reasoning framework. The Potter Box uses four dimensions of moral analysis to help in situations where ethical dilemmas occur: Facts, Values, Principles, and Loyalties as described below. The Potter Box consists of a few simple steps, which can be completed in any order. You may also move between the steps several times before an adequate decision is made. The steps are numbered for simplicity's sake, and it may help you to organize the steps into quadrants(Cliff Christens came up with this idea).[1]

Definition / Facts

The definition stage of the Potter Box concerns the facts of the issue at hand. Here is where the analyst should set out all facts without making judgments or hiding any facts. Example: Using a photograph of a car wreck to promote safe driving, making it visible to the target viewers.


At this stage the analyst should state and compare the merits of different values to acknowledge the influences on decision-making. By referring to the specific concerns of the individuals involved, it allows the analyst to identify differences in perspectives. We may judge something according to aesthetic values(harmonious, pleasing), professional values(innovative, prompt), logical values(consistent, competent), sociocultural values(thrift, hard work), and moral values(honesty, nonviolence).

Example (continued)- Will the shock value of the images encourage safe driving habits? Will the images stir up potentially disturbing memories for certain people?


Principles are ethical philosophies or modes of ethical reasoning that may be applicable to the situation. By considering the values stated above from several ethical philosophies, the decision-maker is better equipped to understand the situation. The following are some of the ethical philosophies that may be utilized under this segment of Potter's Box:

These help link concrete options to overarching principles, getting us to think about our own basic values.


Loyalties concern who the decision-maker has allegiances or loyalties to. For example, in journalism, the first allegiance is always to the public. Other allegiances a journalist might have would be to his or her employer, industry organizations or co-workers. Are we more concerned about being true to our own values or about the effectiveness of the campaign? Is the "greater good" more important than the "golden mean"?

Understanding Values

To understand the Potter Box method, you must first understand types of Values categorized that influence Ethical behavior:

Professional. Proximity, Firstness, Impact/ magnitude, Recency, Conflict, Human Interest, Entertainment, Novelty, Toughness, Thoroughness, Immediacy, Independence, No prior restraint, Public’s right to know

Moral Values. Truth-telling, Humanness, Justice/fairness, Freedom, Independence, Stewardship, Honesty, Nonviolence, Commitment, Self-control

Aesthetic. Harmonious, Pleasing, Imaginative

Logical. Consistent, Competent, Knowledgeable

Socio-cultural. Thrift, Hard work, Energy, Restraint, Heterosexuality

Using the Potter Box

Potter's Box is not a solution- it is just a process that helps us think about our options more clearly. It focuses on ethical or moral issues, not pragmatic or legal ones, like whether you will get fired or sued. Potter's Box can help us think through what to do.

These four steps should be taken in order. According to Potter, the Potter Box can be utilized in any ethical situation.

Two different people analyzing the same issue using the Potter Box can arrive at two very different conclusions. In fact, the same person using the same issue could arrive at different decisions when using the box at two different times.

The name "Potter Box" may indicate that this process is very rigid, but this is a fluid process, and you may have to go back and forth among the steps before you can reach a conclusion. This process will also become a bit easier and quicker the more you practice it.


  1. ^ 1

Christians, et al. (2001) Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 6th Edition.

Davenport, LaRose and Straubhaar. (2010) Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology. 6th ed.

Ethical Dilemma: Potter Box. Youtube video online. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieHlUBwUhQA